First I'd like to say this: it's not everyday that you find a Newgrounds Artists posting and making awesome songs. The few that I can name off are Waterflame, Xtrullor, and Detious. But you, I can't even explain how good your songs are... something about the synths, the drums, and the main melody just amaze me. But I digress, time to review this song:
This song deserves 5 stars because of how it opens, I'm personally a huge fan of Chill Out, and Chillstep (they are NOT the same thing, k :3) and how the song opens is so calming and that correlates with the name: Uplift. Moreover how the song progressively get's more intense makes it that much more better. I guess you can say I like a song that starts off calming and or soothing and then becomes a completely different and awesome song; a two-faced song I guess is the right now for it. I'm going to be honest, I don't really like Drum and Bass, but you, how you compose is it's, lacking of a better word to say, fantastic! Keep up the awesome songs because you've got a fan that wants to see more :D