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Recent Movie Reviews

29 Movie Reviews

Lovely animation! I will ALWAYS open the door to my favorite Pokemon of all time.

Fuck. Yes.

There's some damn good humor to be seen here, the bone song joke got a solid chuckle out of me, for instance. That being said, the mediocre animation and subpar audio quality throttles the overall enjoyment of the animation quite a bit. Still, for it being one of your first animations its for sure excusable, and I can definitely see lots of love and care went into this.

Recent Game Reviews

6 Game Reviews

Oh shoot! Talk about knocking it out of the park! This a very well constructed game to say the least. Definitely feels like an NES game from the 80s; brutally difficult, constantly respawning enemies, and simple d-pad + 2 button action (also native controller support? Fuck yeah!!!). Unfortunately, I'm not the best at these tough as nails games so I couldn't get any farther than the second checkpoint (even on baby difficulty) but so far everything seems solid and controls well (especially with a dedicated controller), and, most importantly, is fun.

All that being said, I did notice a few quirks while briefly playing the game, one strange bug I noticed is some sort of positioning errors going on the bridge after the first checkpoint. If you just hold left on the bridge your character will jitter a bit, he'll still make it across the bridge without a problem, but it should still be noted as I don't think that was intentional. Another bug I stumbled upon was if you died to an enemy but then the enemy knocks you into a spike pit you'd die again before going back to your checkpoint. Not a huge deal but like I said before worth noting. All and all though, not bad at all a few small bugs here and there but nothing bad. Excellent work!

Gypopothomas responds:

Thanks for the kind words and feedback! Aye, the bridge isn't s'posed to act that way. Whoops! I'll get that fixed. That death bug, yup, will get that fixed too.

This is... Umm... Interesting? It's what the cool kids call "Oddly Satisfying" and I can definitely see why you named this game such a obscure name. Firstly, I LOVE puzzle games, it's a fun way to exercise your brain. Secondly, this game is getting 4.5/5 for one tiny nit pick reason but I'll get to that later.

+ Steady difficulty curve
+ Excellent minimalist design
+ Like I said before it's oddly satisfying when your shape covers where it needs to
+ A very complete game, has a reset button and everything. You'd be surprised how many flash games don't have that
+ It's easy to understand your objective; no tutorial needed
+ I'm a sucker for geometric shapes :3

* Maybe adds some background music or a sound effect when you move one of those points
* More levels? IDK 16 levels seems rather short

- The one negative I see in this game is you can move a point off screen and the only way to get it back on screen is to reset the level. This can a huge problem when you just found out about this bug and you're almost done with the level, but generally you will smart to not move the point off screen anymore after that.

Pretty much a perfect flash game. Everything about it was great and enjoyable, granted the game is pretty short, I finished through level 11 in roughly 10 minutes. But that level 12 is a tricky one :L Well done on this game :)

JokerDenFromMR responds:

Thank you for complex review!

Really good game, it's something I really never seen before. You have to hold down a certain letter until the circle surround the letter is the same size as your's. At times it does get a little boring but other times it really keeps you on your toes. (Or in this case finger :P)

+ An interesting concept that I've never seen before
+ Catchy theme, not the best but matches with the game fairly well
+ The satisfaction of getting a perfect five times in a row ^-^
+ Steady difficulty with easy, medium, and hard
+ The slow-mo power-up helps a lot!

-/+ Main menu pretty boring, but oh well
-/+ Circls? Is the typo intentionally? (I truthfully can't tell)
-/+ Levels going on forever? I don't like that, I like the satisfaction of beating a whole level

- I don't know if it's just me, but sometimes when I think I'm on point, I end up getting a "Bad" maybe the hit detection is a bit off?

Overall, a solid flash game, definitely something I might come back to for nostalgia. The concept is original, the music is great, and most importantly it's fun. I've seen a lot of crap minimal flash games here on Newgrounds but every now and then there's a diamond in the ruff. Good job on the game :)


Recent Audio Reviews

49 Audio Reviews

Makes me feel nostalgic...

This is actually a really nice track, ain't gonna lie. Really shocked this was only done in a hour cause it sound REALLY bloody nice! It does get a bit repetitive midway through but the synths added toward the end really drive the track home and keeps it interesting. One nitpick I with this track is that I'm not sure if this would fit great under the "Techno" genre of music, this sounds a lot like Chiptune to me, but hey whatever. Still a solid track either way; keep up the great work!


Albe responds:

Thanks gawne, this means a lot :')
I actually did it when at aproximately 21 or 22pm a melody was spinning around my head, so I went to my laptop and this is what I could do.
Yeah, It's repetitive because there was supposed to be an up-scaling strings sound in the background and don't know why it deleted tbh. Also I didn't put my 100% effort in melodies and variations (let's say a 78%) but I will improve it in the future when I finish another project I'm working on (this is actually a 100% dedication one, like some of my previous ones) so you can bet this is not finished yet, just a few more stuff over here and over there...

This track is awesome! Period.

Seriously, this is some very well done Synthwave! The beat, the lofi lead, everything is on point. One thing that would've made it more Synthwave-y would be if the bass a bit more prominent and was side chained to the beat to give it that "bouncy" vibe. Though, this still sound nice, nevertheless! Keep up great work!


Skiddle responds:

Thank you so much Gawne! I was actually just experimenting with synths in Caustic 3, didn’t plan on making something like this XD Yeah Ik I could’ve sidechained but I dunno how in C3 :p. Thanks for the kind words & nice review :D

I can't believe I'm going to be "that guy," but I'm sorry, this is easily the worst track that I've heard from you...

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE dubstep but there are two big reasons that make me hate this song. Firstly, it's way to friendly on the high-end of the spectrum. Dubstep always has that bass in it that combined with equally bassy wubs and growls make it a joy to listen to. While this track has the wubs and growls that define dubstep it's still way to high-end friendly. In fact, this is a theme that I've noticed in your more recent work; everything just seems to be shoved on the high-end of the spectrum with little to no compensation on the low-end, this is really off-putting to some of your more veteran fans and I know that I'm not the only person who has complained/addressed this. I mean It's not to the point where the high-end of the track becomes grating but it's still not too far off from it.

Secondly, this track is way, way, way TOO repetitive. There was zero progression in it which made it feel generic and, well, boring. The brake at 1:50 is nice but the track needs more variation. Variation is one of things that make Dubstep so great to listen to; all the different layers working together to make something complex and cool sounding is an amazing thing to marvel about while listening to the genre. It's what makes people want to come back for more dubstep. But here, it's just disappointing, just the same "wubbidy-wub-wub" melody over and over.

Alright, now please don't get the wrong idea here. I'm not trying to bash you or your work, quite frankly I'm a huge fan of your work. But when I hear something this bad coming from the same person who's made stuff like "Space Battle" and more recently "Medusa" I just have to say something about it. I'm glad other people enjoyed this track but I feel extremely sad to say that I didn't.


Recent Art Reviews

1 Art Review

Where did the inspiration of this come from? It's a really unique piece of art and it's definitely not something you clump together for the hell of it; what inspired this?

EzekielH responds:

Well, I've been looking at different types of gifs and glitch art for the past month, to utilize the style in my senior thesis. After doing some the research, I practiced on weird visual effects (glitches) and what can be a glitch. Also, how cats can see in the dark and how the moon reminds me of a glowing eye.

That's what I got.

Hey look, you found my Newgrounds account! There's really nothing here anymore, just old music I made in high school. Enjoy your stay but please, no flash photography!

Joined on 11/23/15

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